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4 Morning Habits for a Productive and Organized Day

Taihjma Harris

Updated: Mar 5, 2024

The older I get the more I understand the importance of having a solid morining routine. Gone are the days where I can just wake up and "wing it"! Especially with being a mother and wife, being pulled in so many directions daily has shone how necessary it is to have a few systems in place to help me start the day off right!

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, and lets be honest - if your morning starts off in disarray it can be pretty hard to recover. By developing just a few morning habits you can help not only your self but also your family stay on track, be more organized and more productive each day. So keep reading to hear my 5 Morning Habits for a Productive and Organized Day!


Plan Ahead

I think the best way to set yourself up for success in the morning, is to start planning the night or day before. Plan out clothes, lunches, schedules, and pack what you can in the car- literally anything you can do to get a head start on the next day!

Since each morning can be so different (especially having a family- it rarely ever stays exactly the same lol) it really helps to have as little to do and remember as possible. You'll feel so much more at ease and be able to spend more quality time with yourself and family while preparing for your day in less chaotic way.

Girl, Wake Up!

As hard as it may be, and trust me I know its hard, waking up early is definitely a critical piece to having a productive day. Personally, once I started incorporating this process on a regular basis I was able to strategize and see my day much clearer.

Waking up early before my family give me the time to do the things that energize me and establish those morning rituals that help me pour back into myself. Wether its prayer time, journaling, excercise, or just drinking your morning coffee in peace and quiet- its yours and its one of the best ways to give back to yourself!

Move Your Body

It's so important to get in some kind of physical movement everyday. Getting the adrenaline pumping in the morning with excercise is a great way to just clear your mind and get rid of any stress in your body, which allows you to feel more calm, centered and focused to start your day.

It can take some getting use to and a significant amount of discipline to maintain a morning exercise routine but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and your body will thank you for it almost immediately by how it performs throughout the day.

Meditation/Prayer Time

Meditation is a beneficial habit to place into your morning routine. It helps reduce anxiety and is a great stress management tool.

Using meditation techniques in tandem with prayer have been extrelemy beneficial in my life.

They help me stay grounded and keep me focused on who I am and what God wants for me daily.

Being More Present

The idea of being more present in your everyday life is actually a very helpful productivity tool. Its a mindfulness concept that places emphasis on your focus of the here and now and not letting outside influences distract you from what you're doing. It connects with productivity because it makes you hone in on what you do daily, see what is working and not working for you and then allows you to make adjustments to your daily schedule that serve you, your family and your lifestyle best!

By cultivating healthier morning habits you will ultimately be setting yourself up for a more productive and organized day overall. And even making these simple adjustments like planning ahead, waking up earlier, exercise, prayer and being more present in the now helps you establish a routine that will be setting you up for success!

What habits help you stay productive and organized?!

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